Saturday, November 25, 2017

Aspects that Define the Distinguishing Traits of Termites and Ants

Every year a lump-sum amount of money is being spent by property owners and builders of New Jersey, USA on pest control. However, there is no one-of-a-kind treatment to treat different types of pests as each one of them features a host of unique traits. Adhering the same, here is an overview of differentiating the unique traits and purpose of termites and ants, two most common pests invading in the locales.

Unique Characteristics of Ants and Termites
  • The flying ants are generally red, black, brown or a mixture of these three colours. On the contrary, the colour of swarming termites is pale.
  • Termite wings are all equal in size whereas, the body shape of ants are recognisable with differentiating body segments as observed by a skilled ants control Professional of New Jersey.
  • Antennae of ants feature a bend within whereas, termites have beaded and straight antennae.
  • Termites have 3 segments, however, they don’t have a thin waist like ants.


Most importantly, these two insects come with different purposes as well. Availing expert ants and termites control services will certainly help us in improving detection and reducing the chances of damage.

  • Termites feed on wood and not on any other food source and thus, are tougher to detect compared to ants which, normally, step outside their shelter while searching food.
Professional pest control services are certainly required for treating all the areas of infestation and ensuring to promote a pest-free environment. Thus, promote well-being of your family and associates with an expert exterminator.